13 Oct Our New STRIVE Feature: Open Enrollment Hub!
Open Enrollment (OE) looks a bit different this year. A face-to-face open enrollment strategy is no longer feasible and company’s need to figure out how to engage their employees virtually. We are excited to unveil and launch our new OE Hub that is filled with convenient features to make Open Enrollment a breeze!

The STRIVE app can be the one platform that can be used to drive various OE initiatives in the following ways:
While OE meetings are normally face-to-face, this status quo is no longer an option. Our new meeting feature allows you to schedule virtual meetings directly in the app. Employees can choose from available time slots to meet and discuss their benefit changes and elections. By scheduling virtual meetings, there is an increase in participation, engagement, and lowering of costs.
An easy way to increase engagement and remind employees of important company messages is through our push notifications feature. Sent in real-time or scheduled, employers can send out notifications with links to zoom meetings, reminders to enroll, and to keep employees engaged throughout the OE window. The push notifications easily send a quick reminder of what employees need to attend or take action on to ensure they are properly signed up and utilizing their benefits package.

In our new messaging hub, OE videos and guides can now be attached. The guides are both searchable and clickable, allowing employees to easily and quickly find answers to the benefits questions they are searching for, while enrollment videos can be watched at any time. The videos can link to various platforms including Brainshark, Vimeo, and YouTube.
Easily link to a BenAdmin System to have employees enroll directly in the app. If an employee needs help answering questions regarding their specific benefits or benefits offerings, there are helplines linked elsewhere in-app to help receive their answers. The Human Resources department will no longer get bogged down answering benefit change questions as employees have all the answers directly at their fingertips.
Adding STRIVE to your benefit offerings will be the least expensive addition that is most loved by your employees. We help create educated consumers to help ease employee frustration, lower overall company costs, and minimize HR strain. A quick 30-minute demo will help you visualize how we can partner with you through this journey. Set-up time for the app is only 2 days. All we need to launch is the OE guides and no more than 30 minutes with the STRIVE team to utilize this feature. Click the button below to schedule a demo or contact sales to find out more!